- __safe_add_path_r(){
- # add path to right
- test -d "$1" && PATH="${PATH}:$1"
- }
- __safe_add_path_l(){
- # add path to left
- test -d "$1" && PATH="$1:${PATH}"
- }
- __safe_add_path_l "$HOME/.cabal/bin"
- __safe_add_path_l "$HOME/.local/lib/gems/bin"
- __safe_add_path_l "$HOME/.local/bin"
- __safe_add_path_l "$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin"
- __safe_add_path_r "/c/mingw/bin"
- __safe_add_path_r "/c/mingw/msys/1.0/bin"
- __safe_add_path_l "/opt/local/bin"
- __safe_add_path_l "/opt/local/sbin"
- __safe_add_path_l "/opt/local/libexec/gnubin"
- __safe_add_path_l \
- "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.2/bin"
- test -f "${__dotdir}/rc.py" && export PYTHONSTARTUP="${__dotdir}/rc.py"
- test -d "$HOME/.local/lib/python/site-packages" && \
- export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${HOME}/.local/lib/python/site-packages"
- export GEM_HOME="$HOME/.local/lib/gems"
- export RUBYLIB="$RUBYLIB:$HOME/.local/lib/gems/lib"
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/.local/lib"
- test -z "$DISPLAY" && test -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" && \
- type setterm >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
- setterm -blank 30 -powersave on # -powerdown 10
- test "$TERM" = linux && export LANG=C
- export LC_MESSAGES=C
- export LC_TIME=C
- export TERMCAP="${TERMCAP}:vb="
- export PAGER="less"
- export LESS="-iRMX"
- _src_hilite_lp_path="`command -v src-hilite-lesspipe.sh 2>/dev/null`"
- for f in /usr/share/source-highlight/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh
- do
- test -z "$_src_hilite_lp_path" && test -e "$f" && _src_hilite_lp_path="$f"
- done
- test -n "$_src_hilite_lp_path" && export LESSOPEN="| $_src_hilite_lp_path %s"
- if which vim >/dev/null
- then
- export EDITOR=vim
- else
- export EDITOR=vi
- fi
- export VISUAL="$EDITOR"
- export GIT_PAGER="less -F"
- if test -n "$TMUX" && \
- expr "$TERM" : screen >/dev/null && \
- expr "`tmux display -p '#{client_termname}'`" : '.*-256color$' >/dev/null
- then
- TERM=screen-256color
- fi
- if test -z "$USER" -a -n "$USERNAME"
- then
- fi
- if test -z "$TMP"
- then
- if test -n "$TMPDIR"
- then
- export TMP=$TMPDIR
- elif test -n "$TEMP"
- then
- export TMP="$TEMP"
- else
- export TMP=/tmp
- fi
- fi
- export TMP="${TMP}/${USER}-tmp"
- export TEMP=$TMP
- export TMPDIR=$TMP
- test -d "$TMP" || mkdir -p "$TMP"
- if test -d ~/dbx
- then
- export CHIT_PATH="$HOME/dbx/.chit"
- fi
- export _HOSTCOLOR_1=
- export _HOSTCOLOR_2=
- case "`hostname`" in
- arch-vb-win8-vaio11)
- _HOSTCOLOR_1=magenta
- _HOSTCOLOR_2=white
- ;;
- arch-mba)
- _HOSTCOLOR_1=cyan
- _HOSTCOLOR_2=black
- ;;
- newkiwi)
- _HOSTCOLOR_1=magenta
- _HOSTCOLOR_2=white
- ;;
- debian-vb-win7-opti)
- _HOSTCOLOR_1=red
- _HOSTCOLOR_2=white
- ;;
- *)
- _HOSTCOLOR_1=green
- _HOSTCOLOR_2=black
- ;;
- esac