25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1847 lines
63 KiB

  1. ;;; emacs.el --- 10sr emacs initialization
  2. ;;; Commentary:
  3. ;;; Code:
  4. ;; SETUP_LOAD: (let ((file "DOTFILES_DIR/emacs.el"))
  5. ;; SETUP_LOAD: (and (file-readable-p file)
  6. ;; SETUP_LOAD: (load-file file)))
  7. (setq debug-on-error t)
  8. ;; make directories
  9. (unless (file-directory-p (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory))
  10. (make-directory (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory)))
  11. (let ((d (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory
  12. "lisp"))))
  13. (unless (file-directory-p d)
  14. (make-directory d))
  15. (add-to-list 'load-path d))
  16. (require 'cl-lib)
  17. (require 'simple)
  18. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  19. ;; Some macros for internals
  20. ;; `emacs --load emacs.el` with Emacs 24.3 requires with-eval-after-load to be
  21. ;; defined at the toplevel (means that it should not be defined inside of some
  22. ;; special forms like `when'. I do not now how to do with about this...)
  23. (unless (fboundp 'with-eval-after-load)
  24. ;; polyfill for Emacs < 24.4
  25. (defmacro with-eval-after-load (file &rest body)
  26. "After FILE is loaded execute BODY."
  27. (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
  28. `(eval-after-load ,file (quote (progn ,@body)))))
  29. (defun call-after-init (func)
  30. "If `after-init-hook' has been run, call FUNC immediately.
  31. Otherwize hook it."
  32. (if after-init-time
  33. (funcall func)
  34. (add-hook 'after-init-hook
  35. func)))
  36. (defmacro safe-require-or-eval (feature)
  37. "Require FEATURE if available.
  38. At compile time the feature will be loaded immediately."
  39. `(eval-and-compile
  40. (require ,feature nil t)))
  41. (defmacro autoload-eval-lazily (feature &optional functions &rest body)
  42. "Define autoloading FEATURE that defines FUNCTIONS.
  43. FEATURE is a symbol. FUNCTIONS is a list of symbols. If FUNCTIONS is nil,
  44. the function same as FEATURE is defined as autoloaded function. BODY is passed
  45. to `eval-after-load'.
  46. After this macro is expanded, this returns the path to library if FEATURE
  47. found, otherwise returns nil."
  48. (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
  49. (let* ((libname (symbol-name (eval feature)))
  50. (libpath (locate-library libname)))
  51. `(progn
  52. (when (locate-library ,libname)
  53. ,@(mapcar (lambda (f)
  54. `(unless (fboundp ',f)
  55. (progn
  56. (message "Autoloaded function `%S' defined (%s)"
  57. (quote ,f)
  58. ,libpath)
  59. (autoload (quote ,f)
  60. ,libname
  61. ,(concat "Autoloaded function defined in \""
  62. libpath
  63. "\".")
  64. t))))
  65. (or (eval functions)
  66. `(,(eval feature)))))
  67. (eval-after-load ,feature
  68. (quote (progn
  69. ,@body)))
  70. (locate-library ,libname))))
  71. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'tetris nil
  72. (message "Tetris loaded!"))
  73. (message "Tetris found!"))
  74. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  75. ;; download library from web
  76. (defvar fetch-library-enabled-p t
  77. "Set nil to skip downloading with `fetch-library'.")
  78. (defun fetch-library (url &optional byte-compile-p force-download-p)
  79. "Download a library from URL and locate it in \"~/emacs.d/lisp/\".
  80. Return nil if library unfound and failed to download,
  81. otherwise the path where the library installed.
  82. If BYTE-COMPILE-P is t byte compile the file after downloading.
  83. If FORCE-DOWNLOAD-P it t ignore exisiting library and always download.
  84. This function also checks the value of `fetch-library-enabled-p' and do not
  85. fetch libraries if this value is nil. In this case all arguments (including
  86. FORCE-DOWNLOAD-P) will be ignored."
  87. (let* ((dir (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "lisp/")))
  88. (lib (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory url)))
  89. (lpath (concat dir lib ".el"))
  90. (locate-p (locate-library lib)))
  91. (if (and fetch-library-enabled-p
  92. (or force-download-p
  93. (not locate-p)))
  94. (if (progn (message "Downloading %s..."
  95. url)
  96. (download-file url
  97. lpath
  98. t))
  99. (progn (message "Downloading %s...done"
  100. url)
  101. (when (and byte-compile-p
  102. (require 'bytecomp nil t))
  103. (and (file-exists-p (byte-compile-dest-file lpath))
  104. (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file lpath)))
  105. (message "Byte-compiling %s..."
  106. lpath)
  107. (byte-compile-file lpath)
  108. (message "Byte-compiling %s...done"
  109. lpath)))
  110. (progn (and (file-writable-p lpath)
  111. (delete-file lpath))
  112. (message "Downloading %s...failed"
  113. url))))
  114. (locate-library lib)))
  115. ;; If EMACS_EL_DRY_RUN is set and it is not an empty string, fetch-library
  116. ;; does not actually fetch library.
  117. (let ((dryrun (getenv "EMACS_EL_DRY_RUN")))
  118. (when (and dryrun
  119. (< 0
  120. (length dryrun)))
  121. (setq fetch-library-enabled-p
  122. nil)
  123. (message "EMACS_EL_DRY_RUN is set. Skip fetching libraries.")))
  124. (defun download-file (url path &optional ok-if-already-exists)
  125. "Download file from URL and output to PATH.
  126. IF OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is true force download."
  127. (let ((curl (executable-find "curl"))
  128. (wget (executable-find "wget")))
  129. (cond (wget
  130. (if (and (not ok-if-already-exists)
  131. (file-exists-p path))
  132. nil
  133. (and (eq 0
  134. (call-process wget
  135. nil
  136. nil
  137. nil
  138. "-O"
  139. path
  140. url
  141. ))
  142. path)))
  143. (curl
  144. (if (and (not ok-if-already-exists)
  145. (file-exists-p path))
  146. nil
  147. (and (eq 0
  148. (call-process curl
  149. nil
  150. nil
  151. nil
  152. "--output"
  153. path
  154. "-L"
  155. url
  156. ))
  157. path)))
  158. (t
  159. (ignore-errors
  160. (require 'url)
  161. (url-copy-file url
  162. path
  163. ok-if-already-exists)
  164. path)))))
  165. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  166. ;; package
  167. (set (defvar 10sr-package-list)
  168. '(
  169. markdown-mode
  170. yaml-mode
  171. gnuplot-mode
  172. erlang
  173. js2-mode
  174. git-commit
  175. gitignore-mode
  176. adoc-mode
  177. ;; ack
  178. color-moccur
  179. ggtags
  180. flycheck
  181. ;; is flymake installs are required?
  182. ;;flymake-jshint
  183. ;;flymake-python-pyflakes
  184. xclip
  185. foreign-regexp
  186. multi-term
  187. term-run
  188. editorconfig
  189. git-ps1-mode
  190. restart-emacs
  191. fill-column-indicator
  192. pkgbuild-mode
  193. minibuffer-line
  194. scala-mode2
  195. ensime
  196. editorconfig
  197. git-command
  198. prompt-text
  199. ;; 10sr repository
  200. ;; 10sr-extras
  201. terminal-title
  202. recentf-show
  203. dired-list-all-mode
  204. pack
  205. set-modeline-color
  206. read-only-only-mode
  207. smart-revert
  208. autosave
  209. ;;window-organizer
  210. remember-major-modes-mode
  211. ilookup
  212. pasteboard
  213. ))
  214. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'package)
  215. (setq package-archives
  216. `(,@package-archives
  217. ("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")
  218. ("10sr-el" . "https://10sr.github.io/emacs-lisp/p/")))
  219. (package-initialize)
  220. (defun my-auto-install-package ()
  221. "Install packages semi-automatically."
  222. (interactive)
  223. (package-refresh-contents)
  224. (mapc (lambda (pkg)
  225. (or (package-installed-p pkg)
  226. (locate-library (symbol-name pkg))
  227. (package-install pkg)))
  228. 10sr-package-list))
  229. )
  230. ;; (lazy-load-eval 'sudoku)
  231. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  232. ;; my-idle-hook
  233. (defvar my-idle-hook nil
  234. "Hook run when idle for several secs.")
  235. (defvar my-idle-hook-sec 5
  236. "Second to run `my-idle-hook'.")
  237. (run-with-idle-timer my-idle-hook-sec
  238. t
  239. (lambda ()
  240. (run-hooks 'my-idle-hook)))
  241. ;; (add-hook 'my-idle-hook
  242. ;; (lambda ()
  243. ;; (message "idle hook message")))
  244. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  245. ;; start and quit
  246. (setq inhibit-startup-message t)
  247. (setq confirm-kill-emacs 'y-or-n-p)
  248. (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 1024 1024 4))
  249. (when window-system
  250. (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(cursor-type . box))
  251. (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(background-color . "white"))
  252. (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(foreground-color . "gray10"))
  253. ;; (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha . (80 100 100 100)))
  254. ;; does not work?
  255. )
  256. ;; (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(cursor-type . box))
  257. (if window-system (menu-bar-mode 1) (menu-bar-mode 0))
  258. (and (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode)
  259. (tool-bar-mode 0))
  260. (and (fboundp 'set-scroll-bar-mode)
  261. (set-scroll-bar-mode nil))
  262. (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
  263. ;; load init file when terminating emacs to ensure file is not broken
  264. 'reload-init-file)
  265. (defun my-force-kill-emacs ()
  266. "My force kill Emacs."
  267. (interactive)
  268. (let ((kill-emacs-hook nil))
  269. (kill-emacs)))
  270. (call-after-init
  271. (lambda ()
  272. (message "%s %s" invocation-name emacs-version)
  273. (message "%s was taken to initialize emacs." (emacs-init-time))
  274. (switch-to-buffer "*Messages*")))
  275. (cd ".") ; when using windows use / instead of \ in `default-directory'
  276. ;; locale
  277. (set-language-environment "Japanese")
  278. (set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8-unix)
  279. (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
  280. (setq system-time-locale "C")
  281. ;; my prefix map
  282. (defvar my-prefix-map nil
  283. "My prefix map.")
  284. (define-prefix-command 'my-prefix-map)
  285. (define-key ctl-x-map (kbd "C-x") 'my-prefix-map)
  286. (define-key my-prefix-map (kbd "C-q") 'quoted-insert)
  287. (define-key my-prefix-map (kbd "C-z") 'suspend-frame)
  288. ;; (comint-show-maximum-output)
  289. ;; kill scratch
  290. (call-after-init (lambda ()
  291. (let ((buf (get-buffer "*scratch*")))
  292. (when buf
  293. (kill-buffer buf)))))
  294. ;; modifier keys
  295. ;; (setq mac-option-modifier 'control)
  296. ;; display
  297. (setq visible-bell t)
  298. (setq ring-bell-function 'ignore)
  299. (mouse-avoidance-mode 'banish)
  300. (setq echo-keystrokes 0.1)
  301. (defun reload-init-file ()
  302. "Reload Emacs init file."
  303. (interactive)
  304. (when (and user-init-file
  305. (file-readable-p user-init-file))
  306. (load-file user-init-file)))
  307. (safe-require-or-eval 'session)
  308. ;; server
  309. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'server)
  310. (setq server-name (concat "server"
  311. (number-to-string (emacs-pid))))
  312. ;; In Cygwin Environment `server-runnning-p' stops when server-use-tcp is nil
  313. ;; In Darwin environment, init fails with message like 'Service name too long'
  314. ;; when server-use-tcp is nil
  315. (when (or (eq system-type
  316. 'cygwin)
  317. (eq system-type
  318. 'darwin))
  319. (setq server-use-tcp t))
  320. (server-start))
  321. ;; MSYS2 fix
  322. (when (eq system-type
  323. 'windows-nt)
  324. (setq shell-file-name
  325. (executable-find "bash"))
  326. '(setq function-key-map
  327. `(,@function-key-map ([pause] . [?\C-c])
  328. ))
  329. (define-key key-translation-map
  330. (kbd "<pause>")
  331. (kbd "C-c"))
  332. '(keyboard-translate [pause]
  333. (kbd "C-c")p)
  334. ;; TODO: move to other place later
  335. (when (not window-system)
  336. (setq interprogram-paste-function nil)
  337. (setq interprogram-cut-function nil)))
  338. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  339. ;; global keys
  340. (global-set-key (kbd "<up>") 'scroll-down-line)
  341. (global-set-key (kbd "<down>") 'scroll-up-line)
  342. (global-set-key (kbd "<left>") 'scroll-down)
  343. (global-set-key (kbd "<right>") 'scroll-up)
  344. ;; (define-key my-prefix-map (kbd "C-h") help-map)
  345. (global-set-key (kbd "C-\\") help-map)
  346. (define-key ctl-x-map (kbd "DEL") help-map)
  347. (define-key ctl-x-map (kbd "C-h") help-map)
  348. (define-key help-map "a" 'apropos)
  349. ;; disable annoying keys
  350. (global-set-key [prior] 'ignore)
  351. (global-set-key (kbd "<next>") 'ignore)
  352. (global-set-key [menu] 'ignore)
  353. (global-set-key [down-mouse-1] 'ignore)
  354. (global-set-key [down-mouse-2] 'ignore)
  355. (global-set-key [down-mouse-3] 'ignore)
  356. (global-set-key [mouse-1] 'ignore)
  357. (global-set-key [mouse-2] 'ignore)
  358. (global-set-key [mouse-3] 'ignore)
  359. (global-set-key (kbd "<eisu-toggle>") 'ignore)
  360. (global-set-key (kbd "C-<eisu-toggle>") 'ignore)
  361. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  362. ;; editting
  363. (defun my-copy-whole-line ()
  364. "Copy whole line."
  365. (interactive)
  366. (kill-new (concat (buffer-substring (point-at-bol)
  367. (point-at-eol))
  368. "\n")))
  369. (setq require-final-newline t)
  370. (setq kill-whole-line t)
  371. (setq scroll-conservatively 35
  372. scroll-margin 2
  373. scroll-step 0)
  374. (setq-default major-mode 'text-mode)
  375. (setq next-line-add-newlines nil)
  376. (setq kill-read-only-ok t)
  377. (setq truncate-partial-width-windows nil) ; when splitted horizontally
  378. ;; (setq-default line-spacing 0.2)
  379. (setq-default indicate-empty-lines t) ; when using x indicate empty line
  380. (setq-default tab-width 4)
  381. (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
  382. (setq-default indent-line-function nil)
  383. ;; (pc-selection-mode 1) ; make some already defined keybind back to default
  384. (delete-selection-mode 1)
  385. (cua-mode 0)
  386. (setq line-move-visual nil)
  387. ;; key bindings
  388. ;; moving around
  389. ;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-j") 'next-line)
  390. ;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-k") 'previous-line)
  391. ;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-h") 'backward-char)
  392. ;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-l") 'forward-char)
  393. ;;(keyboard-translate ?\M-j ?\C-j)
  394. ;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-p") 'backward-paragraph)
  395. (define-key esc-map "p" 'backward-paragraph)
  396. ;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-n") 'forward-paragraph)
  397. (define-key esc-map "n" 'forward-paragraph)
  398. (global-set-key (kbd "C-<up>") 'scroll-down-line)
  399. (global-set-key (kbd "C-<down>") 'scroll-up-line)
  400. (global-set-key (kbd "C-<left>") 'scroll-down)
  401. (global-set-key (kbd "C-<right>") 'scroll-up)
  402. (global-set-key (kbd "<select>") 'ignore) ; 'previous-line-mark)
  403. (define-key ctl-x-map (kbd "ESC x") 'execute-extended-command)
  404. (define-key ctl-x-map (kbd "ESC :") 'eval-expression)
  405. ;; C-h and DEL
  406. (global-set-key (kbd "C-h") (kbd "DEL"))
  407. (global-set-key (kbd "C-m") 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
  408. (global-set-key (kbd "C-o") (kbd "C-e C-m"))
  409. (define-key esc-map "k" 'my-copy-whole-line)
  410. ;; (global-set-key "\C-z" 'undo) ; undo is M-u
  411. (define-key esc-map "u" 'undo)
  412. (define-key esc-map "i" (kbd "ESC TAB"))
  413. ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-r") 'query-replace-regexp)
  414. (global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'isearch-forward-regexp)
  415. (global-set-key (kbd "C-r") 'isearch-backward-regexp)
  416. (define-key my-prefix-map (kbd "C-o") 'occur)
  417. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  418. ;; title and mode-line
  419. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'terminal-title)
  420. ;; if TERM is not screen use default value
  421. (if (getenv "TMUX")
  422. ;; if use tmux locally just basename of current dir
  423. (set-variable 'terminal-title-format
  424. '((file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name
  425. default-directory))))
  426. (if (and (let ((tty-type (frame-parameter nil
  427. 'tty-type)))
  428. (and tty-type
  429. (equal (car (split-string tty-type
  430. "-"))
  431. "screen")))
  432. (not (getenv "SSH_CONNECTION")))
  433. (set-variable 'terminal-title-format
  434. '((file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name
  435. default-directory))))
  436. ;; seems that TMUX is used locally and ssh to remote host
  437. (set-variable 'terminal-title-format
  438. `("em:"
  439. ,user-login-name
  440. "@"
  441. ,(car (split-string system-name
  442. "\\."))
  443. ":"
  444. default-directory))
  445. )
  446. )
  447. (terminal-title-mode))
  448. (setq eol-mnemonic-dos "\\r\\n")
  449. (setq eol-mnemonic-mac "\\r")
  450. (setq eol-mnemonic-unix "\\n")
  451. (which-function-mode 0)
  452. (line-number-mode 0)
  453. (column-number-mode 0)
  454. (size-indication-mode 0)
  455. (setq mode-line-position
  456. '(:eval (format "L%%l/%d,C%%c"
  457. (count-lines (point-max)
  458. (point-min)))))
  459. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'git-ps1-mode)
  460. (git-ps1-mode))
  461. ;; http://www.geocities.jp/simizu_daisuke/bunkei-meadow.html#frame-title
  462. ;; display date
  463. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'time)
  464. (setq display-time-interval 29)
  465. (setq display-time-day-and-date t)
  466. (setq display-time-format "%Y/%m/%d %a %H:%M")
  467. ;; (if window-system
  468. ;; (display-time-mode 0)
  469. ;; (display-time-mode 1))
  470. (when display-time-mode
  471. (display-time-update)))
  472. ;; ;; current directory
  473. ;; (let ((ls (member 'mode-line-buffer-identification
  474. ;; mode-line-format)))
  475. ;; (setcdr ls
  476. ;; (cons '(:eval (concat " ("
  477. ;; (abbreviate-file-name default-directory)
  478. ;; ")"))
  479. ;; (cdr ls))))
  480. ;; ;; display last modified time
  481. ;; (let ((ls (member 'mode-line-buffer-identification
  482. ;; mode-line-format)))
  483. ;; (setcdr ls
  484. ;; (cons '(:eval (concat " "
  485. ;; my-buffer-file-last-modified-time))
  486. ;; (cdr ls))))
  487. (defun buffer-list-not-start-with-space ()
  488. "Return a list of buffers that not start with whitespaces."
  489. (let ((bl (buffer-list))
  490. b nbl)
  491. (while bl
  492. (setq b (pop bl))
  493. (unless (string-equal " "
  494. (substring (buffer-name b)
  495. 0
  496. 1))
  497. (add-to-list 'nbl b)))
  498. nbl))
  499. ;; http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2012/09/10/hiding-replacing-modeline-strings/
  500. ;; (add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist
  501. ;; '(global-whitespace-mode ""))
  502. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  503. ;; minibuffer
  504. (setq insert-default-directory t)
  505. (setq completion-ignore-case t
  506. read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t
  507. read-buffer-completion-ignore-case t)
  508. (setq resize-mini-windows t)
  509. (temp-buffer-resize-mode 1)
  510. (savehist-mode 1)
  511. (fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
  512. ;; complete symbol when `eval'
  513. (define-key read-expression-map (kbd "TAB") 'completion-at-point)
  514. (define-key minibuffer-local-map (kbd "C-u")
  515. (lambda () (interactive) (delete-region (point-at-bol) (point))))
  516. ;; I dont know these bindings are good
  517. (define-key minibuffer-local-map (kbd "C-p") (kbd "ESC p"))
  518. (define-key minibuffer-local-map (kbd "C-n") (kbd "ESC n"))
  519. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'minibuffer-line)
  520. (set-face-underline 'minibuffer-line nil)
  521. (set-variable 'minibuffer-line-refresh-interval
  522. 25)
  523. (set-variable 'minibuffer-line-format
  524. `(,(concat user-login-name
  525. "@"
  526. (car (split-string system-name
  527. "\\."))
  528. ":")
  529. (:eval (abbreviate-file-name (or buffer-file-name
  530. default-directory)))
  531. (:eval (and (fboundp 'git-ps1-mode-get-current)
  532. (git-ps1-mode-get-current " [GIT:%s]")))
  533. " "
  534. (:eval (format-time-string display-time-format))))
  535. (minibuffer-line-mode 1)
  536. )
  537. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'prompt-text)
  538. (set-variable 'prompt-text-format
  539. `(,(concat ""
  540. user-login-name
  541. "@"
  542. (car (split-string system-name
  543. "\\."))
  544. ":")
  545. (:eval (abbreviate-file-name (or buffer-file-name
  546. default-directory)))
  547. (:eval (and (fboundp 'git-ps1-mode-get-current)
  548. (git-ps1-mode-get-current " [GIT:%s]")))
  549. " "
  550. (:eval (format-time-string display-time-format))
  551. "\n"
  552. (:eval (symbol-name this-command))
  553. ": "))
  554. (prompt-text-mode 1))
  555. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  556. ;; letters, font-lock mode and fonts
  557. ;; (set-face-background 'vertical-border (face-foreground 'mode-line))
  558. ;; (set-window-margins (selected-window) 1 1)
  559. (and (or (eq system-type 'Darwin)
  560. (eq system-type 'darwin))
  561. (fboundp 'mac-set-input-method-parameter)
  562. (mac-set-input-method-parameter 'japanese 'cursor-color "red")
  563. (mac-set-input-method-parameter 'roman 'cursor-color "black"))
  564. (when (and (boundp 'input-method-activate-hook) ; i dont know this is correct
  565. (boundp 'input-method-inactivate-hook))
  566. (add-hook 'input-method-activate-hook
  567. (lambda () (set-cursor-color "red")))
  568. (add-hook 'input-method-inactivate-hook
  569. (lambda () (set-cursor-color "black"))))
  570. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'paren)
  571. (show-paren-mode 1)
  572. (setq show-paren-delay 0.5
  573. show-paren-style 'parenthesis) ; mixed is hard to read
  574. ;; (set-face-background 'show-paren-match
  575. ;; "black")
  576. ;; ;; (face-foreground 'default))
  577. ;; (set-face-foreground 'show-paren-match
  578. ;; "white")
  579. ;; (set-face-inverse-video-p 'show-paren-match
  580. ;; t)
  581. )
  582. (transient-mark-mode 1)
  583. (global-font-lock-mode 1)
  584. (setq font-lock-global-modes
  585. '(not
  586. help-mode
  587. eshell-mode
  588. ;;term-mode
  589. Man-mode))
  590. ;; (standard-display-ascii ?\n "$\n")
  591. ;; (defvar my-eol-face
  592. ;; '(("\n" . (0 font-lock-comment-face t nil)))
  593. ;; )
  594. ;; (defvar my-tab-face
  595. ;; '(("\t" . '(0 highlight t nil))))
  596. (defvar my-jspace-face
  597. '(("\u3000" . '(0 highlight t nil))))
  598. (add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook
  599. (lambda ()
  600. ;; (font-lock-add-keywords nil my-eol-face)
  601. (font-lock-add-keywords nil my-jspace-face)
  602. ))
  603. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'whitespace)
  604. (add-to-list 'whitespace-display-mappings ; not work
  605. `(tab-mark ?\t ,(vconcat "^I\t")))
  606. (add-to-list 'whitespace-display-mappings
  607. `(newline-mark ?\n ,(vconcat "$\n")))
  608. (setq whitespace-style '(face
  609. trailing ; trailing blanks
  610. newline ; newlines
  611. newline-mark ; use display table for newline
  612. tab-mark
  613. empty ; empty lines at beg or end of buffer
  614. lines-tail ; lines over 80
  615. ))
  616. ;; (setq whitespace-newline 'font-lock-comment-face)
  617. (global-whitespace-mode t)
  618. (if (eq (display-color-cells)
  619. 256)
  620. (set-face-foreground 'whitespace-newline "color-109")
  621. ;; (progn
  622. ;; (set-face-bold-p 'whitespace-newline
  623. ;; t))
  624. ))
  625. (and nil
  626. (safe-require-or-eval 'fill-column-indicator)
  627. (setq fill-column-indicator))
  628. ;; highlight current line
  629. ;; http://wiki.riywo.com/index.php?Meadow
  630. (defface 10sr-hl-line
  631. '((((min-colors 256)
  632. (background dark))
  633. (:background "color-234"))
  634. (((min-colors 256)
  635. (background light))
  636. (:background "color-234"))
  637. (t
  638. (:underline "black")))
  639. "*Face used by hl-line."
  640. :group '10sr)
  641. (global-hl-line-mode 1) ;; (hl-line-mode 1)
  642. (set-variable 'hl-line-face '10sr-hl-line) ;; (setq hl-line-face nil)
  643. (set-variable 'hl-line-global-modes
  644. '(not
  645. term-mode))
  646. (set-face-foreground 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash "#666")
  647. (set-face-foreground 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct "#f60")
  648. (safe-require-or-eval 'set-modeline-color)
  649. (let ((fg (face-foreground 'default))
  650. (bg (face-background 'default)))
  651. (set-face-background 'mode-line-inactive
  652. (if (face-inverse-video-p 'mode-line) fg bg))
  653. (set-face-foreground 'mode-line-inactive
  654. (if (face-inverse-video-p 'mode-line) bg fg)))
  655. (set-face-underline 'mode-line-inactive
  656. t)
  657. (set-face-underline 'vertical-border
  658. nil)
  659. ;; Not found in MELPA nor any other package repositories
  660. (and (fetch-library
  661. "https://raw.github.com/tarao/elisp/master/end-mark.el"
  662. t)
  663. (safe-require-or-eval 'end-mark)
  664. (global-end-mark-mode))
  665. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  666. ;; file handling
  667. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'editorconfig)
  668. ;; (set-variable 'editorconfig-get-properties-function
  669. ;; 'editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash)
  670. (editorconfig-mode 1))
  671. (setq revert-without-query '(".+"))
  672. ;; save cursor position
  673. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'saveplace)
  674. (setq-default save-place t)
  675. (setq save-place-file (concat user-emacs-directory
  676. "places")))
  677. ;; http://www.bookshelf.jp/soft/meadow_24.html#SEC260
  678. (setq make-backup-files t)
  679. ;; (make-directory (expand-file-name "~/.emacsbackup"))
  680. (setq backup-directory-alist
  681. (cons (cons "\\.*$" (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory
  682. "backup")))
  683. backup-directory-alist))
  684. (setq version-control 'never)
  685. (setq delete-old-versions t)
  686. (setq auto-save-list-file-prefix (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory
  687. "auto-save/")))
  688. (setq delete-auto-save-files t)
  689. (add-to-list 'completion-ignored-extensions ".bak")
  690. ;; (setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t
  691. ;; trash-directory "~/.emacs.d/trash")
  692. (add-hook 'after-save-hook
  693. 'executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p)
  694. (set (defvar bookmark-default-file)
  695. (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory
  696. "bmk")))
  697. (with-eval-after-load 'recentf
  698. (defvar recentf-exclude nil)
  699. (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude
  700. (regexp-quote bookmark-default-file)))
  701. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'smart-revert)
  702. (smart-revert-on))
  703. ;; autosave
  704. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'autosave)
  705. (autosave-set 2))
  706. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  707. ;; buffer killing
  708. ;; (defun my-delete-window-killing-buffer () nil)
  709. (defun my-query-kill-current-buffer ()
  710. "Interactively kill current buffer."
  711. (interactive)
  712. (if (y-or-n-p (concat "kill current buffer? :"))
  713. (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
  714. ;;(global-set-key "\C-xk" 'my-query-kill-current-buffer)
  715. (substitute-key-definition 'kill-buffer
  716. 'my-query-kill-current-buffer
  717. global-map)
  718. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  719. ;; share clipboard with x
  720. ;; this page describes this in details, but only these sexps seem to be needed
  721. ;; http://garin.jp/doc/Linux/xwindow_clipboard
  722. (and (not window-system)
  723. (not (eq window-system 'mac))
  724. (getenv "DISPLAY")
  725. (not (equal (getenv "DISPLAY") ""))
  726. (executable-find "xclip")
  727. ;; (< emacs-major-version 24)
  728. (safe-require-or-eval 'xclip)
  729. nil
  730. (turn-on-xclip))
  731. (and (eq system-type 'darwin)
  732. (safe-require-or-eval 'pasteboard)
  733. (turn-on-pasteboard)
  734. (getenv "TMUX")
  735. (pasteboard-enable-rtun))
  736. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  737. ;; some modes and hooks
  738. ;; http://qiita.com/sune2/items/b73037f9e85962f5afb7
  739. (global-company-mode)
  740. (set-variable 'company-idle-delay 0.5)
  741. (set-variable 'company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
  742. (set-variable 'company-selection-wrap-around t)
  743. ;; https://github.com/lunaryorn/flycheck
  744. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'flycheck)
  745. (call-after-init 'global-flycheck-mode))
  746. (set-variable 'ac-ignore-case nil)
  747. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'term-run '(term-run-shell-command term-run))
  748. (define-key ctl-x-map "t" 'term-run-shell-command))
  749. (add-to-list 'safe-local-variable-values
  750. '(encoding utf-8))
  751. (setq enable-local-variables :safe)
  752. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'remember-major-modes-mode)
  753. (remember-major-modes-mode 1))
  754. ;; Detect file type from shebang and set major-mode.
  755. (add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist
  756. '("python3" . python-mode))
  757. (add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist
  758. '("python2" . python-mode))
  759. ;; http://fukuyama.co/foreign-regexp
  760. '(and (safe-require-or-eval 'foreign-regexp)
  761. (progn
  762. (setq foreign-regexp/regexp-type 'perl)
  763. '(setq reb-re-syntax 'foreign-regexp)
  764. ))
  765. (autoload-eval-lazily 'sql '(sql-mode)
  766. (safe-require-or-eval 'sql-indent))
  767. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'git-command)
  768. (define-key ctl-x-map "g" 'git-command))
  769. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'git-commit)
  770. (global-git-commit-mode 1))
  771. (when (fetch-library
  772. "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/sl.el"
  773. t)
  774. (autoload-eval-lazily 'sl))
  775. (with-eval-after-load 'make-mode
  776. (defvar makefile-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  777. (define-key makefile-mode-map (kbd "C-m") 'newline-and-indent)
  778. ;; this functions is set in write-file-functions, i cannot find any
  779. ;; good way to remove this.
  780. (fset 'makefile-warn-suspicious-lines 'ignore))
  781. (with-eval-after-load 'verilog-mode
  782. (defvar verilog-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  783. (define-key verilog-mode-map ";" 'self-insert-command))
  784. (setq diff-switches "-u")
  785. (with-eval-after-load 'diff-mode
  786. ;; (when (and (eq major-mode
  787. ;; 'diff-mode)
  788. ;; (not buffer-file-name))
  789. ;; ;; do not pass when major-mode is derived mode of diff-mode
  790. ;; (view-mode 1))
  791. (set-face-attribute 'diff-header nil
  792. :foreground nil
  793. :background nil
  794. :weight 'bold)
  795. (set-face-attribute 'diff-file-header nil
  796. :foreground nil
  797. :background nil
  798. :weight 'bold)
  799. (set-face-foreground 'diff-index-face "blue")
  800. (set-face-attribute 'diff-hunk-header nil
  801. :foreground "cyan"
  802. :weight 'normal)
  803. (set-face-attribute 'diff-context nil
  804. ;; :foreground "white"
  805. :foreground nil
  806. :weight 'normal)
  807. (set-face-foreground 'diff-removed-face "red")
  808. (set-face-foreground 'diff-added-face "green")
  809. (set-face-background 'diff-removed-face nil)
  810. (set-face-background 'diff-added-face nil)
  811. (set-face-attribute 'diff-changed nil
  812. :foreground "magenta"
  813. :weight 'normal)
  814. (set-face-attribute 'diff-refine-change nil
  815. :foreground nil
  816. :background nil
  817. :weight 'bold
  818. :inverse-video t)
  819. ;; Annoying !
  820. ;;(diff-auto-refine-mode)
  821. )
  822. ;; (ffap-bindings)
  823. (set-variable 'sh-here-document-word "__EOC__")
  824. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'adoc-mode)
  825. (setq auto-mode-alist
  826. `(("\\.adoc\\'" . adoc-mode)
  827. ("\\.asciidoc\\'" . adoc-mode)
  828. ,@auto-mode-alist)))
  829. (with-eval-after-load 'markup-faces
  830. ;; (set-face-foreground 'markup-meta-hide-face
  831. ;; "unspecified-fg")
  832. ;; Is this too match ?
  833. (set-face-foreground 'markup-meta-face
  834. "unspecified-fg")
  835. )
  836. (setq auto-mode-alist
  837. `(("autostart\\'" . sh-mode)
  838. ("xinitrc\\'" . sh-mode)
  839. ("xprograms\\'" . sh-mode)
  840. ("PKGBUILD\\'" . sh-mode)
  841. ,@auto-mode-alist))
  842. ;; TODO: check if this is required
  843. (and (autoload-eval-lazily 'groovy-mode)
  844. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
  845. '("build\\.gradle\\'" . groovy-mode)))
  846. (with-eval-after-load 'yaml-mode
  847. (defvar yaml-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  848. (define-key yaml-mode-map (kbd "C-m") 'newline))
  849. (with-eval-after-load 'html-mode
  850. (defvar html-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  851. (define-key html-mode-map (kbd "C-m") 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent))
  852. (with-eval-after-load 'text-mode
  853. (define-key text-mode-map (kbd "C-m") 'newline))
  854. (add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list
  855. (expand-file-name "~/.info/emacs-ja"))
  856. (with-eval-after-load 'apropos
  857. (defvar apropos-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  858. (define-key apropos-mode-map "n" 'next-line)
  859. (define-key apropos-mode-map "p" 'previous-line))
  860. (with-eval-after-load 'isearch
  861. ;; (define-key isearch-mode-map
  862. ;; (kbd "C-j") 'isearch-other-control-char)
  863. ;; (define-key isearch-mode-map
  864. ;; (kbd "C-k") 'isearch-other-control-char)
  865. ;; (define-key isearch-mode-map
  866. ;; (kbd "C-h") 'isearch-other-control-char)
  867. (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-h") 'isearch-delete-char)
  868. (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "M-r")
  869. 'isearch-query-replace-regexp))
  870. ;; do not cleanup isearch highlight: use `lazy-highlight-cleanup' to remove
  871. (setq lazy-highlight-cleanup nil)
  872. ;; face for isearch highlighing
  873. (set-face-attribute 'lazy-highlight
  874. nil
  875. :foreground `unspecified
  876. :background `unspecified
  877. :underline t
  878. ;; :weight `bold
  879. )
  880. (add-hook 'outline-mode-hook
  881. (lambda ()
  882. (when (string-match "\\.md\\'" buffer-file-name)
  883. (set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp) "#+ "))))
  884. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.ol\\'" 'outline-mode))
  885. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.md\\'" 'outline-mode))
  886. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'markdown-mode
  887. '(markdown-mode gfm-mode)
  888. (defvar gfm-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  889. (define-key gfm-mode-map (kbd "C-m") 'electric-indent-just-newline))
  890. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.md\\'" 'gfm-mode))
  891. (set-variable 'markdown-command (or (executable-find "markdown")
  892. (executable-find "markdown.pl")
  893. ""))
  894. (add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook
  895. (lambda ()
  896. (outline-minor-mode 1)
  897. (flyspell-mode)
  898. (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) ";")))
  899. )
  900. ;; c-mode
  901. ;; http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/IndentingC
  902. ;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style
  903. ;; http://d.hatena.ne.jp/emergent/20070203/1170512717
  904. ;; http://seesaawiki.jp/whiteflare503/d/Emacs%20%a5%a4%a5%f3%a5%c7%a5%f3%a5%c8
  905. (with-eval-after-load 'cc-vars
  906. (defvar c-default-style nil)
  907. (add-to-list 'c-default-style
  908. '(c-mode . "k&r"))
  909. (add-to-list 'c-default-style
  910. '(c++-mode . "k&r"))
  911. (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
  912. (lambda ()
  913. ;; why c-basic-offset in k&r style defaults to 5 ???
  914. (set-variable 'c-basic-offset 4)
  915. (set-variable 'indent-tabs-mode nil)
  916. ;; (set-face-foreground 'font-lock-keyword-face "blue")
  917. (c-toggle-hungry-state -1)
  918. ;; (and (require 'gtags nil t)
  919. ;; (gtags-mode 1))
  920. )))
  921. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'php-mode)
  922. (add-hook 'php-mode-hook
  923. (lambda ()
  924. (set-variable 'c-basic-offset 2))))
  925. (autoload-eval-lazily 'js2-mode nil
  926. ;; currently do not use js2-mode
  927. ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js\\'" . js2-mode))
  928. ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jsm\\'" . js2-mode))
  929. (defvar js2-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  930. (define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "C-m") (lambda ()
  931. (interactive)
  932. (js2-enter-key)
  933. (indent-for-tab-command)))
  934. ;; (add-hook (kill-local-variable 'before-save-hook)
  935. ;; 'js2-before-save)
  936. ;; (add-hook 'before-save-hook
  937. ;; 'my-indent-buffer
  938. ;; nil
  939. ;; t)
  940. )
  941. (with-eval-after-load 'js
  942. (set-variable 'js-indent-level 2))
  943. (add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist
  944. '("node" . js-mode))
  945. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'flymake-jslint
  946. '(flymake-jslint-load))
  947. (autoload-eval-lazily 'js nil
  948. (add-hook 'js-mode-hook
  949. 'flymake-jslint-load)))
  950. (safe-require-or-eval 'js-doc)
  951. (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indentation)
  952. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'uniquify)
  953. (setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward-angle-brackets)
  954. (setq uniquify-ignore-buffers-re "*[^*]+*")
  955. (setq uniquify-min-dir-content 1))
  956. (with-eval-after-load 'view
  957. (defvar view-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  958. (define-key view-mode-map "j" 'scroll-up-line)
  959. (define-key view-mode-map "k" 'scroll-down-line)
  960. (define-key view-mode-map "v" 'toggle-read-only)
  961. (define-key view-mode-map "q" 'bury-buffer)
  962. ;; (define-key view-mode-map "/" 'nonincremental-re-search-forward)
  963. ;; (define-key view-mode-map "?" 'nonincremental-re-search-backward)
  964. ;; (define-key view-mode-map
  965. ;; "n" 'nonincremental-repeat-search-forward)
  966. ;; (define-key view-mode-map
  967. ;; "N" 'nonincremental-repeat-search-backward)
  968. (define-key view-mode-map "/" 'isearch-forward-regexp)
  969. (define-key view-mode-map "?" 'isearch-backward-regexp)
  970. (define-key view-mode-map "n" 'isearch-repeat-forward)
  971. (define-key view-mode-map "N" 'isearch-repeat-backward)
  972. (define-key view-mode-map (kbd "C-m") 'my-rgrep-symbol-at-point))
  973. (global-set-key "\M-r" 'view-mode)
  974. ;; (setq view-read-only t)
  975. (add-hook 'Man-mode-hook
  976. (lambda ()
  977. (view-mode 1)
  978. (setq truncate-lines nil)))
  979. (set-variable 'Man-notify-method (if window-system
  980. 'newframe
  981. 'aggressive))
  982. (set-variable 'woman-cache-filename (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory
  983. "woman_cache.el")))
  984. (defalias 'man 'woman)
  985. (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
  986. '("tox\\.ini\\'" . conf-unix-mode))
  987. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  988. ;; python
  989. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'python '(python-mode)
  990. (defvar python-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  991. (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'my-python-run-as-command)
  992. (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-b") 'my-python-display-python-buffer)
  993. (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-m") 'newline-and-indent)
  994. (defvar inferior-python-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  995. (define-key inferior-python-mode-map (kbd "<up>") 'comint-previous-input)
  996. (define-key inferior-python-mode-map (kbd "<down>") 'comint-next-input)
  997. )
  998. (set-variable 'python-python-command (or (executable-find "python3")
  999. (executable-find "python")))
  1000. ;; (defun my-python-run-as-command ()
  1001. ;; ""
  1002. ;; (interactive)
  1003. ;; (shell-command (concat python-python-command " " buffer-file-name)))
  1004. (defun my-python-display-python-buffer ()
  1005. ""
  1006. (interactive)
  1007. (defvar python-buffer nil)
  1008. (set-window-text-height (display-buffer python-buffer
  1009. t)
  1010. 7))
  1011. (add-hook 'inferior-python-mode-hook
  1012. (lambda ()
  1013. (my-python-display-python-buffer))))
  1014. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1015. ;; gauche-mode
  1016. ;; http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kobapan/20090305/1236261804
  1017. ;; http://www.katch.ne.jp/~leque/software/repos/gauche-mode/gauche-mode.el
  1018. (when (and (fetch-library
  1019. "http://www.katch.ne.jp/~leque/software/repos/gauche-mode/gauche-mode.el"
  1020. t)
  1021. (autoload-eval-lazily 'gauche-mode '(gauche-mode run-scheme)
  1022. (defvar gauche-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  1023. (defvar scheme-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  1024. (define-key gauche-mode-map
  1025. (kbd "C-c C-z") 'run-gauche-other-window)
  1026. (define-key scheme-mode-map
  1027. (kbd "C-c C-c") 'scheme-send-buffer)
  1028. (define-key scheme-mode-map
  1029. (kbd "C-c C-b") 'my-scheme-display-scheme-buffer)))
  1030. (let ((s (executable-find "gosh")))
  1031. (set-variable 'scheme-program-name s)
  1032. (set-variable 'gauche-program-name s))
  1033. (defvar gauche-program-name nil)
  1034. (defvar scheme-buffer nil)
  1035. (defun run-gauche-other-window ()
  1036. "Run gauche on other window"
  1037. (interactive)
  1038. (switch-to-buffer-other-window
  1039. (get-buffer-create "*scheme*"))
  1040. (run-gauche))
  1041. (defun run-gauche ()
  1042. "run gauche"
  1043. (interactive)
  1044. (run-scheme gauche-program-name)
  1045. )
  1046. (defun scheme-send-buffer ()
  1047. ""
  1048. (interactive)
  1049. (scheme-send-region (point-min) (point-max))
  1050. (my-scheme-display-scheme-buffer)
  1051. )
  1052. (defun my-scheme-display-scheme-buffer ()
  1053. ""
  1054. (interactive)
  1055. (set-window-text-height (display-buffer scheme-buffer
  1056. t)
  1057. 7))
  1058. (add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook
  1059. (lambda ()
  1060. nil))
  1061. (add-hook 'inferior-scheme-mode-hook
  1062. (lambda ()
  1063. ;; (my-scheme-display-scheme-buffer)
  1064. ))
  1065. (setq auto-mode-alist
  1066. (cons '("\.gosh\\'" . gauche-mode) auto-mode-alist))
  1067. (setq auto-mode-alist
  1068. (cons '("\.gaucherc\\'" . gauche-mode) auto-mode-alist))
  1069. )
  1070. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1071. ;; term mode
  1072. ;; (setq multi-term-program shell-file-name)
  1073. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'multi-term)
  1074. (set-variable 'multi-term-switch-after-close nil)
  1075. (set-variable 'multi-term-dedicated-select-after-open-p t)
  1076. (set-variable 'multi-term-dedicated-window-height 20))
  1077. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'term '(term ansi-term)
  1078. (defvar term-raw-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  1079. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-xl" 'term-line-mode)
  1080. ;; (define-key term-mode-map "\C-xc" 'term-char-mode)
  1081. (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "<up>") 'scroll-down-line)
  1082. (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "<down>") 'scroll-up-line)
  1083. (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "<right>") 'scroll-up)
  1084. (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "<left>") 'scroll-down)
  1085. (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-p") 'term-send-raw)
  1086. (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-n") 'term-send-raw)
  1087. (define-key term-raw-map "q" 'my-term-quit-or-send-raw)
  1088. ;; (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "ESC") 'term-send-raw)
  1089. (define-key term-raw-map [delete] 'term-send-raw)
  1090. (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "DEL") 'term-send-backspace)
  1091. (define-key term-raw-map "\C-y" 'term-paste)
  1092. (define-key term-raw-map
  1093. "\C-c" 'term-send-raw) ;; 'term-interrupt-subjob)
  1094. '(define-key term-mode-map (kbd "C-x C-q") 'term-pager-toggle)
  1095. ;; (dolist (key '("<up>" "<down>" "<right>" "<left>"))
  1096. ;; (define-key term-raw-map (read-kbd-macro key) 'term-send-raw))
  1097. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-d" 'delete-char)
  1098. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-q" 'move-beginning-of-line)
  1099. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-r" 'term-send-raw)
  1100. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-s" 'term-send-raw)
  1101. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-f" 'forward-char)
  1102. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-b" 'backward-char)
  1103. ;; (define-key term-raw-map "\C-t" 'set-mark-command)
  1104. )
  1105. (defun my-term-quit-or-send-raw ()
  1106. ""
  1107. (interactive)
  1108. (if (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
  1109. (call-interactively 'term-send-raw)
  1110. (kill-buffer)))
  1111. ;; http://d.hatena.ne.jp/goinger/20100416/1271399150
  1112. ;; (setq term-ansi-default-program shell-file-name)
  1113. (add-hook 'term-setup-hook
  1114. (lambda ()
  1115. (set-variable 'term-display-table (make-display-table))))
  1116. (add-hook 'term-mode-hook
  1117. (lambda ()
  1118. (defvar term-raw-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  1119. ;; (unless (memq (current-buffer)
  1120. ;; (and (featurep 'multi-term)
  1121. ;; (defvar multi-term-buffer-list)
  1122. ;; ;; current buffer is not multi-term buffer
  1123. ;; multi-term-buffer-list))
  1124. ;; )
  1125. (set (make-local-variable 'scroll-margin) 0)
  1126. ;; (set (make-local-variable 'cua-enable-cua-keys) nil)
  1127. ;; (cua-mode 0)
  1128. ;; (and cua-mode
  1129. ;; (local-unset-key (kbd "C-c")))
  1130. ;; (define-key cua--prefix-override-keymap
  1131. ;;"\C-c" 'term-interrupt-subjob)
  1132. (set (make-local-variable (defvar hl-line-range-function))
  1133. (lambda ()
  1134. '(0 . 0)))
  1135. (define-key term-raw-map
  1136. "\C-x" (lookup-key (current-global-map) "\C-x"))
  1137. (define-key term-raw-map
  1138. "\C-z" (lookup-key (current-global-map) "\C-z"))
  1139. ))
  1140. ;; (add-hook 'term-exec-hook 'forward-char)
  1141. )
  1142. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1143. ;; buffer switching
  1144. (defvar bs-configurations)
  1145. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'bs '(bs-show)
  1146. ;; (add-to-list 'bs-configurations
  1147. ;; '("processes" nil get-buffer-process ".*" nil nil))
  1148. (add-to-list 'bs-configurations
  1149. '("files-and-terminals" nil nil nil
  1150. (lambda (buf)
  1151. (and (bs-visits-non-file buf)
  1152. (save-excursion
  1153. (set-buffer buf)
  1154. (not (memq major-mode
  1155. '(term-mode
  1156. eshell-mode))))))))
  1157. ;; (setq bs-configurations (list
  1158. ;; '("processes" nil get-buffer-process ".*" nil nil)
  1159. ;; '("files-and-scratch" "^\\*scratch\\*$" nil nil
  1160. ;; bs-visits-non-file bs-sort-buffer-interns-are-last)))
  1161. )
  1162. ;; (global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'bs-show)
  1163. (defalias 'list-buffers 'bs-show)
  1164. (set-variable 'bs-default-configuration "files-and-terminals")
  1165. (set-variable 'bs-default-sort-name "by nothing")
  1166. (add-hook 'bs-mode-hook
  1167. (lambda ()
  1168. ;; (setq bs-default-configuration "files")
  1169. ;; (and bs--show-all
  1170. ;; (call-interactively 'bs-toggle-show-all))
  1171. (set (make-local-variable 'scroll-margin) 0))))
  1172. ;;(iswitchb-mode 1)
  1173. (icomplete-mode)
  1174. (defun iswitchb-buffer-display-other-window ()
  1175. "Do iswitchb in other window."
  1176. (interactive)
  1177. (let ((iswitchb-default-method 'display))
  1178. (call-interactively 'iswitchb-buffer)))
  1179. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1180. ;; ilookup
  1181. (with-eval-after-load 'ilookup
  1182. (set-variable 'ilookup-dict-alist
  1183. '(
  1184. ("sdcv" . (lambda (word)
  1185. (shell-command-to-string
  1186. (format "sdcv -n '%s'"
  1187. word))))
  1188. ("en" . (lambda (word)
  1189. (shell-command-to-string
  1190. (format "sdcv -n -u dictd_www.dict.org_gcide '%s'"
  1191. word))))
  1192. ("ja" . (lambda (word)
  1193. (shell-command-to-string
  1194. (format "sdcv -n -u EJ-GENE95 -u jmdict-en-ja '%s'"
  1195. word))))
  1196. ("jaj" . (lambda (word)
  1197. (shell-command-to-string
  1198. (format "sdcv -n -u jmdict-en-ja '%s'"
  1199. word))))
  1200. ("jag" .
  1201. (lambda (word)
  1202. (with-temp-buffer
  1203. (insert (shell-command-to-string
  1204. (format "sdcv -n -u 'Genius English-Japanese' '%s'"
  1205. word)))
  1206. (html2text)
  1207. (buffer-substring (point-min)
  1208. (point-max)))))
  1209. ("alc" . (lambda (word)
  1210. (shell-command-to-string
  1211. (format "alc '%s' | head -n 20"
  1212. word))))
  1213. ("app" . (lambda (word)
  1214. (shell-command-to-string
  1215. (format "dict_app '%s'"
  1216. word))))
  1217. ;; letters broken
  1218. ("ms" .
  1219. (lambda (word)
  1220. (let ((url (concat
  1221. "http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax.svc/"
  1222. "Translate?appId=%s&text=%s&to=%s"))
  1223. (apikey "3C9778666C5BA4B406FFCBEE64EF478963039C51")
  1224. (target "ja")
  1225. (eword (url-hexify-string word)))
  1226. (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
  1227. (format url
  1228. apikey
  1229. eword
  1230. target))
  1231. (message "")
  1232. (goto-char (point-min))
  1233. (search-forward-regexp "^$"
  1234. nil
  1235. t)
  1236. (url-unhex-string (buffer-substring-no-properties
  1237. (point)
  1238. (point-max)))))))
  1239. ))
  1240. ;; (funcall (cdr (assoc "ms"
  1241. ;; ilookup-alist))
  1242. ;; "dictionary")
  1243. ;; (switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously "http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax.svc/Translate?appId=3C9778666C5BA4B406FFCBEE64EF478963039C51&text=dictionary&to=ja"))
  1244. ;; (switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously "http://google.com"))
  1245. (set-variable 'ilookup-default "ja")
  1246. (when (locate-library "google-translate")
  1247. (defvar ilookup-dict-alist nil)
  1248. (add-to-list 'ilookup-dict-alist
  1249. '("gt" .
  1250. (lambda (word)
  1251. (save-excursion
  1252. (google-translate-translate "auto"
  1253. "ja"
  1254. word))
  1255. (with-current-buffer "*Google Translate*"
  1256. (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
  1257. (point-max)))))))
  1258. )
  1259. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'google-translate '(google-translate-translate
  1260. google-translate-at-point))
  1261. (set-variable 'google-translate-default-source-language "auto")
  1262. (set-variable 'google-translate-default-target-language "ja"))
  1263. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1264. ;; vc
  1265. (require 'vc)
  1266. (setq vc-handled-backends '())
  1267. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1268. ;; recentf-mode
  1269. (set-variable 'recentf-save-file (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory
  1270. "recentf")))
  1271. (set-variable 'recentf-max-menu-items 20)
  1272. (set-variable 'recentf-max-saved-items 30)
  1273. (set-variable 'recentf-show-file-shortcuts-flag nil)
  1274. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'recentf)
  1275. (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude
  1276. (regexp-quote recentf-save-file))
  1277. (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude
  1278. (regexp-quote (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory)))
  1279. (define-key ctl-x-map (kbd "C-r") 'recentf-open-files)
  1280. (remove-hook 'find-file-hook
  1281. 'recentf-track-opened-file)
  1282. (defun my-recentf-load-track-save-list ()
  1283. "Load current recentf list from file, track current visiting file, then save
  1284. the list."
  1285. (recentf-load-list)
  1286. (recentf-track-opened-file)
  1287. (recentf-save-list))
  1288. (add-hook 'find-file-hook
  1289. 'my-recentf-load-track-save-list)
  1290. (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
  1291. 'recentf-load-list)
  1292. ;;(run-with-idle-timer 5 t 'recentf-save-list)
  1293. ;; (add-hook 'find-file-hook
  1294. ;; (lambda ()
  1295. ;; (recentf-add-file default-directory)))
  1296. (and (autoload-eval-lazily 'recentf-show)
  1297. (define-key ctl-x-map (kbd "C-r") 'recentf-show)
  1298. (add-hook 'recentf-show-before-listing-hook
  1299. 'recentf-load-list))
  1300. (recentf-mode 1)
  1301. (define-key recentf-dialog-mode-map (kbd "<up>") 'previous-line)
  1302. (define-key recentf-dialog-mode-map (kbd "<down>") 'next-line)
  1303. (define-key recentf-dialog-mode-map "p" 'previous-line)
  1304. (define-key recentf-dialog-mode-map "n" 'next-line)
  1305. (add-hook 'recentf-dialog-mode-hook
  1306. (lambda ()
  1307. ;; (recentf-save-list)
  1308. ;; (define-key recentf-dialog-mode-map (kbd "C-x C-f")
  1309. ;; 'my-recentf-cd-and-find-file)
  1310. (cd "~/"))))
  1311. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1312. ;; dired
  1313. (defun my-dired-echo-file-head (arg)
  1314. ""
  1315. (interactive "P")
  1316. (let ((f (dired-get-filename)))
  1317. (message "%s"
  1318. (with-temp-buffer
  1319. (insert-file-contents f)
  1320. (buffer-substring-no-properties
  1321. (point-min)
  1322. (progn (goto-char (point-min))
  1323. (forward-line (1- (if arg
  1324. (prefix-numeric-value arg)
  1325. 7)))
  1326. (point-at-eol)))))))
  1327. (defun my-dired-diff ()
  1328. ""
  1329. (interactive)
  1330. (let ((files (dired-get-marked-files nil nil nil t)))
  1331. (if (eq (car files)
  1332. t)
  1333. (diff (cadr files) (dired-get-filename))
  1334. (message "One file must be marked!"))))
  1335. (defun dired-get-file-info ()
  1336. "dired get file info"
  1337. (interactive)
  1338. (let ((f (shell-quote-argument (dired-get-filename t))))
  1339. (if (file-directory-p f)
  1340. (progn
  1341. (message "Calculating disk usage...")
  1342. (shell-command (concat "du -hsD "
  1343. f)))
  1344. (shell-command (concat "file "
  1345. f)))))
  1346. (defun my-dired-scroll-up ()
  1347. ""
  1348. (interactive)
  1349. (my-dired-previous-line (- (window-height) 1)))
  1350. (defun my-dired-scroll-down ()
  1351. ""
  1352. (interactive)
  1353. (my-dired-next-line (- (window-height) 1)))
  1354. ;; (defun my-dired-forward-line (arg)
  1355. ;; ""
  1356. ;; (interactive "p"))
  1357. (defun my-dired-previous-line (arg)
  1358. ""
  1359. (interactive "p")
  1360. (if (> arg 0)
  1361. (progn
  1362. (if (eq (line-number-at-pos)
  1363. 1)
  1364. (goto-char (point-max))
  1365. (forward-line -1))
  1366. (my-dired-previous-line (if (or (dired-get-filename nil t)
  1367. (dired-get-subdir))
  1368. (- arg 1)
  1369. arg)))
  1370. (dired-move-to-filename)))
  1371. (defun my-dired-next-line (arg)
  1372. ""
  1373. (interactive "p")
  1374. (if (> arg 0)
  1375. (progn
  1376. (if (eq (point)
  1377. (point-max))
  1378. (goto-char (point-min))
  1379. (forward-line 1))
  1380. (my-dired-next-line (if (or (dired-get-filename nil t)
  1381. (dired-get-subdir))
  1382. (- arg 1)
  1383. arg)))
  1384. (dired-move-to-filename)))
  1385. ;;http://bach.istc.kobe-u.ac.jp/lect/tamlab/ubuntu/emacs.html
  1386. (if (eq window-system 'mac)
  1387. (setq dired-listing-switches "-lhF")
  1388. (setq dired-listing-switches "-lhF --time-style=long-iso")
  1389. )
  1390. (setq dired-listing-switches "-lhF")
  1391. (put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil)
  1392. ;; when using dired-find-alternate-file
  1393. ;; reuse current dired buffer for the file to open
  1394. (set-variable 'dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks t)
  1395. (when (safe-require-or-eval 'ls-lisp)
  1396. (setq ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program nil) ; always use ls-lisp
  1397. (setq ls-lisp-dirs-first t)
  1398. (setq ls-lisp-use-localized-time-format t)
  1399. (setq ls-lisp-format-time-list
  1400. '("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
  1401. "%Y-%m-%d ")))
  1402. (set-variable 'dired-dwim-target t)
  1403. (set-variable 'dired-isearch-filenames t)
  1404. (set-variable 'dired-hide-details-hide-symlink-targets nil)
  1405. (set-variable 'dired-hide-details-hide-information-lines nil)
  1406. ;; (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook
  1407. ;; 'my-replace-nasi-none)
  1408. ;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook
  1409. ;; (lambda ()
  1410. ;; (dired ".")))
  1411. (with-eval-after-load 'dired
  1412. (defvar dired-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  1413. (define-key dired-mode-map "o" 'my-dired-x-open)
  1414. (define-key dired-mode-map "i" 'dired-get-file-info)
  1415. (define-key dired-mode-map "f" 'find-file)
  1416. (define-key dired-mode-map "!" 'shell-command)
  1417. (define-key dired-mode-map "&" 'async-shell-command)
  1418. (define-key dired-mode-map "X" 'dired-do-async-shell-command)
  1419. (define-key dired-mode-map "=" 'my-dired-diff)
  1420. (define-key dired-mode-map "B" 'gtkbm-add-current-dir)
  1421. (define-key dired-mode-map "b" 'gtkbm)
  1422. (define-key dired-mode-map "h" 'my-dired-echo-file-head)
  1423. (define-key dired-mode-map "@" (lambda ()
  1424. (interactive) (my-x-open ".")))
  1425. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'other-window)
  1426. ;; (define-key dired-mode-map "P" 'my-dired-do-pack-or-unpack)
  1427. (define-key dired-mode-map "/" 'dired-isearch-filenames)
  1428. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "DEL") 'dired-up-directory)
  1429. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-h") 'dired-up-directory)
  1430. (substitute-key-definition 'dired-next-line
  1431. 'my-dired-next-line
  1432. dired-mode-map)
  1433. (substitute-key-definition 'dired-previous-line
  1434. 'my-dired-previous-line
  1435. dired-mode-map)
  1436. ;; (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-p") 'my-dired-previous-line)
  1437. ;; (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "p") 'my-dired-previous-line)
  1438. ;; (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-n") 'my-dired-next-line)
  1439. ;; (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "n") 'my-dired-next-line)
  1440. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<left>") 'my-dired-scroll-up)
  1441. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<right>") 'my-dired-scroll-down)
  1442. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "ESC p") 'my-dired-scroll-up)
  1443. (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "ESC n") 'my-dired-scroll-down)
  1444. (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
  1445. (lambda ()
  1446. (when (fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode)
  1447. (dired-hide-details-mode t)
  1448. (local-set-key "l" 'dired-hide-details-mode))
  1449. (let ((file "._Icon\015"))
  1450. (when nil
  1451. '(file-readable-p file)
  1452. (delete-file file)))))
  1453. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'pack '(dired-do-pack-or-unpack pack-pack))
  1454. (with-eval-after-load 'dired
  1455. (define-key dired-mode-map "P" 'dired-do-pack-or-unpack)))
  1456. (when (autoload-eval-lazily 'dired-list-all-mode)
  1457. (setq dired-listing-switches "-lhF")
  1458. (with-eval-after-load 'dired
  1459. (define-key dired-mode-map "a" 'dired-list-all-mode))))
  1460. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1461. ;; my-term
  1462. (defvar my-term nil
  1463. "My terminal buffer.")
  1464. (defvar my-term-function nil
  1465. "Function to create terminal buffer.
  1466. This function accept no argument and return newly created buffer of terminal.")
  1467. (defun my-term (&optional arg)
  1468. "Open terminal buffer and return that buffer.
  1469. If ARG is given or called with prefix argument, create new buffer."
  1470. (interactive "P")
  1471. (if (and (not arg)
  1472. my-term
  1473. (buffer-name my-term))
  1474. (pop-to-buffer my-term)
  1475. (setq my-term
  1476. (save-window-excursion
  1477. (funcall my-term-function)))
  1478. (and my-term
  1479. (my-term))))
  1480. ;; (setq my-term-function
  1481. ;; (lambda ()
  1482. ;; (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
  1483. ;; (eshell)
  1484. ;; (if (require 'multi-term nil t)
  1485. ;; (multi-term)
  1486. ;; (ansi-term shell-file-name)))))
  1487. (setq my-term-function (lambda () (eshell t)))
  1488. ;;(define-key my-prefix-map (kbd "C-s") 'my-term)
  1489. (define-key ctl-x-map "i" 'my-term)
  1490. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1491. ;; misc funcs
  1492. (defalias 'qcalc 'quick-calc)
  1493. (defun memo (&optional dir)
  1494. "Open memo.txt in DIR."
  1495. (interactive)
  1496. (pop-to-buffer (find-file-noselect (concat (if dir
  1497. (file-name-as-directory dir)
  1498. "")
  1499. "memo.txt"))))
  1500. (defvar my-rgrep-alist
  1501. `(
  1502. ;; the silver searcher
  1503. ("ag"
  1504. (executable-find "ag")
  1505. "ag --nocolor --nogroup --nopager --filename ")
  1506. ;; ack
  1507. ("ack"
  1508. (executable-find "ack")
  1509. "ack --nocolor --nogroup --nopager --with-filename ")
  1510. ;; gnu global
  1511. ("global"
  1512. (and (require 'gtags nil t)
  1513. (executable-find "global")
  1514. (gtags-get-rootpath))
  1515. "global --result grep ")
  1516. ;; git grep
  1517. ("gitgrep"
  1518. (eq 0
  1519. (shell-command "git rev-parse --git-dir"))
  1520. "git --no-pager -c color.grep=false grep -nH -e ")
  1521. ;; grep
  1522. ("grep"
  1523. t
  1524. ,(concat "find . "
  1525. "-path '*/.git' -prune -o "
  1526. "-path '*/.svn' -prune -o "
  1527. "-type f -print0 | "
  1528. "xargs -0 grep -nH -e "))
  1529. )
  1530. "Alist of rgrep command.
  1531. Each element is in the form like (NAME SEXP COMMAND), where SEXP returns the
  1532. condition to choose COMMAND when evaluated.")
  1533. (defvar my-rgrep-default nil
  1534. "Default command name for my-rgrep.")
  1535. (defun my-rgrep-grep-command (&optional name alist)
  1536. "Return recursive grep command for current directory or nil.
  1537. If NAME is given, use that without testing.
  1538. Commands are searched from ALIST."
  1539. (if alist
  1540. (if name
  1541. ;; if name is given search that from alist and return the command
  1542. (nth 2 (assoc name
  1543. alist))
  1544. ;; if name is not given try test in 1th elem
  1545. (let ((car (car alist))
  1546. (cdr (cdr alist)))
  1547. (if (eval (nth 1 car))
  1548. ;; if the condition is true return the command
  1549. (nth 2 car)
  1550. ;; try next one
  1551. (and cdr
  1552. (my-rgrep-grep-command name cdr)))))
  1553. ;; if alist is not given set default value
  1554. (my-rgrep-grep-command name my-rgrep-alist)))
  1555. (defun my-rgrep (command-args)
  1556. "My recursive grep. Run COMMAND-ARGS."
  1557. (interactive (let ((cmd (my-rgrep-grep-command my-rgrep-default
  1558. nil)))
  1559. (if cmd
  1560. (list (read-shell-command "grep command: "
  1561. cmd
  1562. 'grep-find-history))
  1563. (error "My-Rgrep: Command for rgrep not found")
  1564. )))
  1565. (compilation-start command-args
  1566. 'grep-mode))
  1567. ;; (defun my-rgrep-symbol-at-point (command-args)
  1568. ;; "My recursive grep. Run COMMAND-ARGS."
  1569. ;; (interactive (list (read-shell-command "grep command: "
  1570. ;; (concat (my-rgrep-grep-command)
  1571. ;; " "
  1572. ;; (thing-at-point 'symbol))
  1573. ;; 'grep-find-history)))
  1574. ;; (compilation-start command-args
  1575. ;; 'grep-mode))
  1576. (defmacro define-my-rgrep (name)
  1577. "Define rgrep for NAME."
  1578. `(defun ,(intern (concat "my-rgrep-"
  1579. name)) ()
  1580. ,(format "My recursive grep by %s."
  1581. name)
  1582. (interactive)
  1583. (let ((my-rgrep-default ,name))
  1584. (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
  1585. (call-interactively 'my-rgrep)
  1586. (error "Not intended to be called noninteractively. Use `my-rgrep'"))))
  1587. )
  1588. (define-my-rgrep "ack")
  1589. (define-my-rgrep "ag")
  1590. (define-my-rgrep "gitgrep")
  1591. (define-my-rgrep "grep")
  1592. (define-my-rgrep "global")
  1593. (define-key ctl-x-map "s" 'my-rgrep)
  1594. ;; (defun make ()
  1595. ;; "Run \"make -k\" in current directory."
  1596. ;; (interactive)
  1597. ;; (compile "make -k"))
  1598. (defalias 'make 'compile)
  1599. (define-key ctl-x-map "c" 'compile)
  1600. ;;; emacs.el ends here