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34 lines
843 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. if [ -n "${DESKTOP_SESSION}" ]; then
  3. xmodmap -e 'keycode 135 = Alt_R Meta_R' # menu key as alt
  4. xmodmap -e 'keycode 101 = Alt_R Meta_R' # hiragana key as alt
  5. xmodmap -e 'remove Lock = Caps_Lock'
  6. xmodmap -e 'add Control = Caps_Lock'
  7. synclient VertEdgeScroll=0
  8. synclient HorizEdgeScroll=0
  9. synclient MaxTapTime=0
  10. synclient MaxSpeed=0.4
  11. synclient MinSpeed=0.2
  12. fi
  13. export LC_TIME=C
  14. export TERMCAP="${TERMCAP}:vb="
  15. export HOSTNAME
  16. export BROWSER=firefox
  17. # export TMP=/tmp
  18. # export TEMP=/tmp
  19. addtopath(){
  20. for p in "$@"
  21. do
  22. echo $PATH | grep -E "^$p:|:$p:|:$p$" >/dev/null 2>&1 || PATH="$p:${PATH}"
  23. done
  24. }
  25. # export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/bin:${HOME}/dbx/dev/bin"
  26. addtopath ${HOME}/bin
  27. test -f "${HOME}/.pythonrc" && export PYTHONSTARTUP="${HOME}/.pythonrc"
  28. export PYTHONPATH=~/.py