Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.
10sr 05dc1f0fe8 Fix syntax pirms 9 gadiem
ansible Fix directories pirms 9 gadiem
conf conf/sakura.conf: Update pirms 9 gadiem
win minttyrc: Use xterm instead of xterm-256color pirms 10 gadiem
.gitignore Ignore *.elc pirms 9 gadiem
.travis.yml Update travis.yml pirms 9 gadiem
Makefile Fix syntax pirms 9 gadiem Update readme pirms 9 gadiem
_keysnail.js Add new 2ch search engine pirms 9 gadiem
emacs.el emacs.el: Fix fetch-library-enabled-p bug pirms 9 gadiem
gitignore Remove some gitignore entries pirms 9 gadiem
profile profile: Supress excess warnings pirms 9 gadiem
screenrc add comment pirms 12 gadiem Remove gitconf section from pirms 9 gadiem
shrc Add profile, now use it! pirms 9 gadiem
tigrc add tigrc pirms 10 gadiem
tmux.conf Update tmux status line pirms 9 gadiem
vimrc add new lines so that columns do not exceed 80 pirms 11 gadiem
xinitrc shrc: Unset SHLVL in xinitrc pirms 10 gadiem
xprograms xprograms: Add tomboy entry pirms 10 gadiem

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First Principle

Do not go out of ways how the default environments work.

There are many cases when I must work on foreign environments, and it is always VERY irritating when things do not work as I expected, yet setting up my own environment is troublesome. So I avoid changing behaviors of tools, except for emacs.

Emacs is the editor I usually use for coding. I decided to change the behavior of emacs as I want without thinking about other environments. When I cannot use my emacs.el I’ll use vi or vim instead.

Other tools like bash and vim basically work in the same ways even when using my rc files. The main changes are related to showing informations, typically in the bash prompt.

shrc.common will create file “$HOME/.shrc.common”. This file define some variables that can be used to detect system type. This file is sourced from both and shrc.

Sourcing flow

  1. $HOME/.profile

Sourced if:

  • currnet shell is login shell and
    • (current shell is sh ||
    • (current shell is bash && $HOME/.bash_profile does not exist) ||
    • (current shell is zsh && $HOME/.zprofile does not exist))

This file set ENV to $HOME/.shrc , which is loaded when sh is run interactively. Add lines like test -n "$BASH_VERSION" && . "$HOME/.bashrc" .

  1. $HOME/{.bash_profile,.zprofile}

Sourced if current shell is login shell and shell is bash or zsh. Srouce $HOME/.profile .

  1. $HOME/.shrc

Sourced through ENV when shell is sh, and $HOME/.{ba,z}shrc if bash or zsh respectively. Source $HOME/.dotfiles/shrc .

  1. $HOME/.{ba,z}shrc

Sourced when current shell is bash or zsh respectively and current shell is not login shell. When current shell is login shell, these files are sourced explicitly by $HOME/.profile . Source $HOME/.shrc .

$HOME/{.bash_profile,.zprofile}  <= login with bash/zsh
`--$HOME/.profile                <= login with sh
   |  |
   |  `--$HOME/.dotfiles/profile
   |  $HOME/.{ba,z}shrc          <= bash, zsh
   |  |
   `--`--$HOME/.shrc             <= sh (by EnvVal ENV)
~/.xinitrc                <= startx

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