# Makefile --- 10sr make dotfiles # 2014, 10sr. Unlicensed # TODO: Add help message # Variable definitions dotfiles_url_base := https://raw.githubusercontent.com/10sr/dotfiles/master use_git ?= t git_auth ?= t dotfiles_git_path := 10sr/dotfiles.git ifneq (,$(git_auth)) $(warning 'git_auth' is not empty. Use git repository with push right.) dotfiles_git := git@github.com:$(dotfiles_git_path) else $(warning 'git_auth' is empty. Use public read-only git repository.) dotfiles_git := https://github.com/$(dotfiles_git_path) endif current_origin_url := $(shell git config remote.origin.url) ifeq (,$(dotfiles_dir)) ifneq (,$(findstring $(dotfiles_git_path),$(current_origin_url))) $(warning Currently in dotfiles repository) dotfiles_dir := $(PWD) else # Current directory is not 10sr/dotfiles.git reposioty ifeq (,$(DOTFILES_DIR)) $(warning Neigher 'DOTFILES_DIR' nor 'dotfiles_dir' is defined) $(warning Use default value) dotfiles_dir := $(HOME)/10sr_dotfiles else # dotfiles_dir is empty but DOTFILES_DIR has a value $(warning 'dotfiles_dir' is set from 'DOTFILES_DIR') dotfiles_dir := $(DOTFILES_DIR) endif endif endif $(warning dotfiles_dir: $(dotfiles_dir)) dotfiles_home_dir := $(dotfiles_dir)/.home ifeq ($(home),) ifeq ($(global_home),) $(warning 'home' not set and 'global_home' is empty) # TODO: What this should be? home := $(dotfiles_home_dir) else home := $(HOME) endif endif $(warning home: $(home)) localdir := $(home)/.local vardir := $(home)/.var bindir := $(localdir)/bin directories := $(dotfiles_dir) $(home) $(localdir) $(vardir) $(bindir) \ $(home)/.emacs.d current := $(shell date) uname := $(shell uname) # Remove zsh from this list because it causes failure of travis test # Message: # Segmentation fault (core dumped) shrc_loadables := sh bash # zsh emacs ?= $(shell which emacs 2>/dev/null) git ?= $(shell which git 2>/dev/null) curl ?= $(shell which curl 2>/dev/null) grep ?= GREP_OPTIONS= $(shell which grep 2>/dev/null) ifeq ($(emacs),) $(warning Emacs program not found) endif files := Makefile emacs.el profile shrc tmux.conf vimrc _keysnail.js # Targets default: help tests := test-el test: test-syntax $(tests) ## Execute some tests test_syntaxes := test-syntax-el test-syntax-sh test-syntax: $(test_syntaxes) ## Execute syntax check setups := setup-darwin setup-directories setup-emacs setup-gitconf \ setup-repository setup-rc # `make setup` to setup these all sounds to be too match setup-all: $(setups) ## Run initialization tasks runs := run-emacs run-bash run-zsh # Alias for test check: test # Similarly, check-syntax is test-syntax check-syntax: test-syntax .PHONY: all default clean \ test check $(tests) \ test-syntax check-syntax $(test_syntaxes)\ setup-all $(setups) $(directories): test -d "$@" || mkdir -vp "$@" # System detection # ================ # Is this usefull? Just checking uname is not enough? ismsys := iscygwin := iswindows := isdarwin := isfreebsd := isbsd := islinux := ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(uname))) ismsys := t endif ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(uname))) iscygwin := t endif ifneq (,$(ismsys)$(iscygwin)) iswindows := t endif ifneq (,$(findstring Darwin,$(uname))) isdarwin := t endif ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(uname))) isfreebsd := t endif ifneq (,$(isdarwin)$(isfreebsd)) isbsd := t endif ifneq (,$(findstring Linux,$(uname))) islinux := t endif # Help # ==== help: @echo "10sr Makefile" | (figlet || cat) | (lolcat || cat) @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \ awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' # Clean # ===== # Usage: Define a target as a dependency for clean and .PHONY clean: clean-home .PHONY: clean-home clean-home: $(RM) -r $(dotfiles_home_dir) # preparing files # =============== files_fullpath := $(files:%=$(dotfiles_dir)/%) fetch_files := $(files:%=fetch-%) .PHONY: $(fetch_files) $(fetch_files): fetch-%: $(dotfiles_dir) curl --url $(dotfiles_url_base)/$* --output $@ ifeq (,$(use_git)) $(files_fullpath): $(dotfiles_dir)/%: fetch-% $(warning 'use_git' is empty. Use curl to fetch files) else $(warning 'use_git' is not empty. Use git to retrieve files) $(files_fullpath): setup-repository test -f "$@" endif # setups # ====== # setup git repository # -------------------- setup-repository: $(dotfiles_dir)/.git $(dotfiles_dir)/.git: ifeq (,$(git)) false "Git not installed" endif $(git) clone $(dotfiles_git) $(dotfiles_dir) # darwin setup # ------------ setup_darwins := setup-darwin-defaults setup-darwin-daemon setup-darwin: $(setup_darwins) .PHONY: $(setup_darwins) setup-darwin-defaults: # http://appdrill.net/60641/mac-boot-mute.html #sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80 # add quit entry in menu defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool YES # show full path on titlebar defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES # do not show desktop icons defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -boolean false killall Finder # disable dashboard #defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -bool YES setup-darwin-daemon: test "`launchctl getenv LC_ALL`" = C || sudo launchctl setenv LC_ALL C if ! (launchctl list | grep com.apple.locate) >/dev/null ;\ then \ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist ;\ fi # emacs setup # ----------- setup-emacs: $(dotfiles_dir)/emacs.el test -n "$(emacs)" && $(emacs) -q --batch \ --eval "(setq user-emacs-directory \"$(home)/.emacs.d/\")" \ --load $< \ -f my-auto-install-package # git config setup # ---------------- ifneq (,$(git)) git_conf := $(git) config --global endif xz := $(shell which xz 2>/dev/null) setup-gitconf: ## Set git configurations ifeq (,$(git)) $(warnning "Git program not found") else $(git_conf) user.name '10sr' $(git_conf) user.email '8.slashes@gmail.com' $(git_conf) core.autocrlf false $(git_conf) core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore' $(git_conf) core.commentChar ";" $(git_conf) color.ui auto $(git_conf) status.relativePaths false $(git_conf) status.showUntrackedFiles normal $(git_conf) log.date iso $(git_conf) fetch.prune true $(git_conf) fetch.pruneTags true $(git_conf) push.default current $(git_conf) pull.ff only $(git_conf) rebase.stat true $(git_conf) rebase.missingCommitsCheck error ifneq (,$(xz)) $(git_conf) tar.txz.command "xz -c" endif $(git_conf) tag.forceSignAnnotated true $(git_conf) alias.graph "log --graph --date-order -C -M --pretty=tformat:\"%C(green)%h%C(reset) %C(white)%ad%C(reset) %C(red)%an%C(reset)%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %C(white bold)%s%C(reset)\" --date=short -n 499" $(git_conf) alias.px "log -p -G" # pickaxe $(git_conf) alias.st "status -s -b" $(git_conf) alias.b "branch" $(git_conf) alias.sb "show-branch" $(git_conf) alias.ci "commit --verbose --allow-empty" # TODO: Try rebase --interactive --autosquash $(git_conf) alias.cf "commit --verbose --fixup=HEAD -m WIP" $(git_conf) alias.co "! echo alias co is removed, use si and re instead; false" $(git_conf) alias.si "switch" $(git_conf) alias.re "restore" $(git_conf) alias.cim "commit --verbose -m" $(git_conf) alias.di "diff --color" $(git_conf) alias.me "merge --no-ff --stat --verbose" $(git_conf) alias.ffme "merge --ff-only --stat --verbose" $(git_conf) alias.gr "grep -n" $(git_conf) alias.atag "tag --annotated" $(git_conf) alias.stag "tag --sign" $(git_conf) alias.ls "ls-files" # $(git_conf) alias.ls "ls-files -v --full-name" # $(git_conf) alias.ls "status -u -s ." $(git_conf) alias.sl "!sl" # $(git_conf) alias.my-ls "ls-files | xargs ls" # $(git_conf) alias.ll "!git ls-files | xargs ls -l -CFG --color=auto --time-style=long-iso" $(git_conf) alias.addi "add -i" # Add patch to index $(git_conf) alias.ap "apply --cached" $(git_conf) alias.clean-p "diff --quiet" $(git_conf) alias.echo-ref "for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)'" $(git_conf) alias.todo "grep -nH -E -i 'todo:|note:|fixme:'" $(git_conf) alias.stashsnap '! gitdir="`git rev-parse --git-dir`" && : >>"$$gitdir"/logs/refs/snapshot && cmt=`git stash create` && test -n "$$cmt" && git update-ref refs/snapshot $$cmt && echo Snapshot created: $$cmt' #$(git_conf) alias.snap '! gitdir="`git rev-parse --git-dir`" && export GIT_INDEX_FILE="$$gitdir"/snapshot.index && cp -pf "$$gitdir"/index "$$GIT_INDEX_FILE" && git add -Av && : >>"$$gitdir"/logs/refs/snapshot && git update-ref refs/snapshot $$(git commit-tree $$(git write-tree) -m Snapshot -p HEAD) && git show --stat snapshot' $(git_conf) alias.snap snapshot $(git_conf) alias.setcmd '! f(){ git config alias.$$1 "! $$2"; }; f' $(git_conf) alias.make '!make' $(git_conf) alias.e '!env' # Run command in repository root #$(git_conf) alias.wc "!git ls-files -z | xargs -0 wc" # $(git_conf) push.default "simple" ifneq (,$(iswindows)) $(git_conf) core.fileMode false endif endif # setup rc files # -------------- # Generate load codes from the files themselves. # Load codes are defined by following SETUP_LOAD: indicator. # String DOTFILES_DIR in the load codes will be replaced into the value of # $(dotfiles_dir). # The load codes are appended to $(topfile). setup_rcs := setup-rc-vimrc setup-rc-tmux.conf setup-rc-emacs.el setup-rc: $(setup_rcs) ## Setup initialize files .PHONY: $(setup_rcs) setup-rc-vimrc: $(home)/.vimrc setup-rc-tmux.conf: $(home)/.tmux.conf setup-rc-emacs.el: $(home)/.emacs.d/init.el $(home)/.emacs.d/init.el: $(dotfiles_dir)/emacs.el $(home) $(home)/.emacs.d $(home)/.vimrc: $(dotfiles_dir)/vimrc $(home) $(home)/.tmux.conf: $(dotfiles_dir)/tmux.conf $(home) command_extract_setup_load := $(grep) -e 'SETUP_LOAD: ' | \ sed -e 's/^.*SETUP_LOAD: //' -e 's|DOTFILES_DIR|$(dotfiles_dir)|' setup_rc_marker := ADDED BY 10sr_dotfiles/Makefile $(home)/.emacs.d/init.el $(home)/.vimrc $(home)/.tmux.conf: set -x; if ! $(grep) "$(setup_rc_marker)" "$@"; \ then \ (echo $(line_comment) $(setup_rc_marker); cat "$<" | $(command_extract_setup_load)) \ | tee -a "$@"; \ fi $(home)/.emacs.d/init.el: line_comment := ';;' $(home)/.vimrc: line_comment := '"' $(home)/.tmux.conf: line_comment := '\#' # run # === run-emacs: $(home)/.emacs.d/init.el test -n "$(emacs)" && $(emacs) -q \ --eval "(setq user-emacs-directory \"$(home)/.emacs.d/\")" --load "$<" # test # ==== test_els := test-el-emacs.el test-el: $(test_els) .PHONY: $(test_els) $(test_els): test-el-%: $(dotfiles_dir)/% $(home) test -n "$(emacs)" && \ $(emacs) -Q -batch -f batch-byte-compile $< # EMACS_EL_DRY_RUN=t $(emacs) -q --debug-init --batch \ # --eval "(setq debug-on-error t)" \ # --eval "(setq user-emacs-directory \"$(home)/.emacs.d/\")" \ # --load $