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setup.sh 3.9 KiB

12 년 전
12 년 전
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. mkdir -p ~/.my/log
  3. mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
  4. _iswindows(){
  5. case `uname` in
  6. (CYGWIN*) return 0;;
  7. (MINGW*) return 0;;
  8. esac
  9. return 1
  10. }
  11. gen_source_script(){
  12. # _gen_source_script file lines
  13. test $# -eq 2 || return 1
  14. head -n $2 $1 | \grep -v '^#!' | sed -e 's/^..//g'
  15. }
  16. get_install_script(){
  17. local dir="$HOME/.local/bin"
  18. mkdir -p "$dir"
  19. for f in "$@"
  20. do
  21. bn=$(basename "$f")
  22. type $bn >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
  23. if type wget >/dev/null 2>&1
  24. then
  25. wget "$f" -P "$dir/" &&
  26. chmod u+x "${dir}/${bn}"
  27. elif type curl >/dev/null 2>&1
  28. then
  29. curl --url "$f" --output "${dir}/${bn}" &&
  30. chmod u+x "${dir}/${bn}"
  31. fi
  32. }
  33. done
  34. }
  35. install_symlink_script(){
  36. mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin/"
  37. for f in "$@"
  38. do
  39. ln -s "$PWD/$f" "$HOME/.local/bin/"
  40. done
  41. }
  42. git_config(){
  43. type git >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
  44. _gitconfig="git config --global"
  45. $_gitconfig user.name '10sr'
  46. $_gitconfig user.email '8slashes+git@gmail.com'
  47. $_gitconfig core.autocrlf false
  48. $_gitconfig core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore'
  49. $_gitconfig color.ui auto
  50. $_gitconfig status.relativePaths false
  51. $_gitconfig status.showUntrackedFiles normal
  52. $_gitconfig log.date iso
  53. type xz && \
  54. $_gitconfig tar.txz.command "xz -c"
  55. $_gitconfig alias.graph "log --graph --date-order -C -M --pretty=tformat:\"%C(green)%h%C(reset) %C(white)%ad%C(reset) %C(red)%an%C(reset)%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %C(white bold)%s%C(reset)\" --all --date=iso -n 499"
  56. $_gitconfig alias.st "status -s -b"
  57. $_gitconfig alias.b "branch"
  58. $_gitconfig alias.sb "show-branch"
  59. $_gitconfig alias.ci "commit --verbose"
  60. $_gitconfig alias.co "checkout"
  61. $_gitconfig alias.cim "commit --verbose -m"
  62. $_gitconfig alias.di "diff --color"
  63. $_gitconfig alias.me "merge --no-ff --stat -v"
  64. $_gitconfig alias.gr "grep -n"
  65. $_gitconfig alias.ls "ls-files"
  66. # $_gitconfig alias.ls "ls-files -v --full-name"
  67. # $_gitconfig alias.ls "status -u -s ."
  68. $_gitconfig alias.sl "!sl"
  69. # $_gitconfig alias.my-ls "ls-files | xargs ls"
  70. # $_gitconfig alias.ll "!git ls-files | xargs ls -l -CFG --color=auto --time-style=long-iso"
  71. $_gitconfig alias.addi "add -i"
  72. $_gitconfig alias.clean-p "!test -z \"\$(git status -s -uno)\""
  73. $_gitconfig alias.new "checkout -b"
  74. #$_gitconfig alias.wc "!git ls-files -z | xargs -0 wc"
  75. # $_gitconfig push.default "simple"
  76. if _iswindows; then
  77. $_gitconfig core.fileMode false
  78. fi
  79. }
  80. install_files(){
  81. src_hilite_src="`pwd`/conf/src-hilite.style"
  82. src_hilite_dst="$HOME/.local/share/source-highlight/src_hilite.style"
  83. #install -D --backup "$src_hilite_src" "$src_hilite_dst"
  84. }
  85. mac_defaults(){
  86. test "`uname`" = Darwin || return 1
  87. # http://appdrill.net/60641/mac-boot-mute.html
  88. #sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80
  89. # add quit entry in menu
  90. defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool YES
  91. # show full path on titlebar
  92. defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES
  93. # do not show desktop icons
  94. defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -boolean false
  95. killall Finder
  96. # disable dashboard
  97. #defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -bool YES
  98. }
  99. mac_start_daemon(){
  100. test "`uname`" = Darwin || return 1
  101. test "`launchctl getenv LC_ALL`" = C || sudo launchctl setenv LC_ALL C
  102. if ! (launchctl list | grep com.apple.locate)
  103. then
  104. sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist
  105. fi
  106. }
  107. default(){
  108. get_install_script \
  109. http://www.frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/data/colortable16.sh \
  110. http://www.frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/data/256colors2.pl
  111. git_config
  112. mac_defaults
  113. mac_start_daemon
  114. install_files
  115. }
  116. if test $# -eq 0
  117. then
  118. default
  119. else
  120. "$@"
  121. fi